
Narsys Logic

Impossible solutions for imaginary zeitgeists

September 30, 2009

Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. - M Ferguson http://bit.ly/R6LI9

posted by David Roel  # 10:21 PM
A good man does not give orders, but leads by example. - Confucius http://bit.ly/vI94O

posted by David Roel  # 2:21 AM

September 29, 2009

Half of All New Pharmaceutical Drugs Developed Fail to Beat Placebos … and Drugmakers are Scared http://bit.ly/g5IQn

posted by David Roel  # 10:51 PM
makin http://bit.ly/3hiGny

posted by David Roel  # 7:51 PM
Finding a way to enjoy just sitting is key. Sitting meditation is a refuge, not a test. - Narayan Liebenson Grady http://bit.ly/CcK6S

posted by David Roel  # 5:52 AM

September 28, 2009

80% Benefit from Last 20% Skill http://bit.ly/4gZ3Yg

posted by David Roel  # 11:51 PM
4-Dimensional Performance Pyramid http://bit.ly/2BKaCE

posted by David Roel  # 2:22 PM
By sitting with others, even once a week, we reinspire our practice, while in sitting alone we learn self-relia.. http://bit.ly/2TDNtM

posted by David Roel  # 10:23 AM

September 27, 2009

Thought for Sun, 27 Sep 2009 http://bit.ly/13xUNl

posted by David Roel  # 2:52 PM
On the phenomenal plane we seek pleasure and the avoidance of pain. On the noumenal plane we know the absence o.. http://bit.ly/YXzg6

posted by David Roel  # 2:52 PM

September 26, 2009

You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind. - Timothy Leary http://bit.ly/fmBXG

posted by David Roel  # 5:51 PM
When Writers Speak http://bit.ly/RTv3F

posted by David Roel  # 12:51 PM

September 25, 2009

Before you speak, stop, breathe, and consider if what you are about to say will improve upon the silence. - All.. http://bit.ly/EveY3

posted by David Roel  # 7:21 PM
Robert Jensen : Is Obama a Socialist? http://bit.ly/T07N1

posted by David Roel  # 6:51 PM
Casting a Spell on Readers' Imaginations: Dan Brown's Predec http://bit.ly/z8twY

posted by David Roel  # 4:21 PM
Emotion http://bit.ly/2TJ0L

posted by David Roel  # 2:21 PM

September 24, 2009

Children Who Get Spanked Have Lower IQs http://bit.ly/4b942

posted by David Roel  # 11:51 PM
Your life is your message. - Gandhi http://bit.ly/2rrui

posted by David Roel  # 11:51 PM
EPISODE107 - Integral Life http://bit.ly/igz2e

posted by David Roel  # 9:51 PM
More than those who hate you, more than all your enemies, an undisciplined mind does greater harm. - Buddha http://bit.ly/18LkKo

posted by David Roel  # 3:52 AM

September 23, 2009

If I knew that there was a man coming to my house with the fixed intention of doing me good, I would run for my .. http://bit.ly/KlmtZ

posted by David Roel  # 7:52 AM

September 22, 2009

On This Side of the Line... http://bit.ly/13Hm9L

posted by David Roel  # 2:22 PM
Helping other people is a form of self-pity. - Harley Swiftdeer Reagan http://bit.ly/EQ3Ct

posted by David Roel  # 12:52 PM

September 21, 2009

Obama Leaves Bush-Cheney Repressive Apparatus Standing http://bit.ly/4EujRo

posted by David Roel  # 10:51 PM
Everyone in the world knows that Jesus and his teachings were non-violent except Christians. - Gandhi http://bit.ly/1V0ZXh

posted by David Roel  # 4:51 PM
I.D.E.A. http://bit.ly/2SNxej

posted by David Roel  # 4:21 AM

September 20, 2009

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Hunter S. Thompson http://bit.ly/3246fj

posted by David Roel  # 8:54 PM
Alexander Cockburn Hits The Nail On The Head http://bit.ly/r3Y21

posted by David Roel  # 2:24 PM

September 19, 2009

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. - Morrie Schwartz http://bit.ly/WS4X6

posted by David Roel  # 11:27 PM
The Informant! (2009) http://bit.ly/3p6MFa

posted by David Roel  # 1:01 PM
It is only the artificial ego that suffers. The man who has transcended his false 'me' no longer identifies with.. http://bit.ly/dRDGV

posted by David Roel  # 3:26 AM

September 18, 2009

Health Care and Childhood's End http://bit.ly/cEhNd

posted by David Roel  # 7:24 PM
I know despair is a sin, but http://bit.ly/c7b7n

posted by David Roel  # 7:24 PM
Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. - Pete Seeger http://bit.ly/ZA3Tn

posted by David Roel  # 7:30 AM

September 17, 2009

Morrie Schwartz http://bit.ly/lK0Q3

posted by David Roel  # 2:58 PM
Thought for Thu, 17 Sep 2009 http://bit.ly/cyTNx

posted by David Roel  # 2:25 PM
Pam Martens: The Filmmakers vs. the Capitalists http://bit.ly/xXF54

posted by David Roel  # 1:25 PM
All conditioned things are impermanent; When one sees this, one turns away from suffering. This is the path to p.. http://bit.ly/6w7z8

posted by David Roel  # 9:59 AM

September 16, 2009

Sandman Roundtable: Morpheus Strip: Dream Lovers http://bit.ly/1FGYbd

posted by David Roel  # 11:25 AM
Blood and Bone http://bit.ly/3AnNh

posted by David Roel  # 9:24 AM
A man must consider what a rich realm he abdicates when he becomes a conformist. - Ralph Waldo Emerson http://bit.ly/pCwGe

posted by David Roel  # 8:55 AM

September 15, 2009

Democracy should only be attempted by people smart enough to realize when... http://bit.ly/15eWEH

posted by David Roel  # 6:56 PM
enli http://bit.ly/8HimM

posted by David Roel  # 1:27 PM
Pete Seeger http://bit.ly/15m3tV

posted by David Roel  # 12:59 PM
Thought for Tue, 15 Sep 2009 http://bit.ly/TJt4x

posted by David Roel  # 12:59 PM
Love, Faith, and Sex http://bit.ly/4uVf9h

posted by David Roel  # 12:59 PM
Karen Korenoski / Michael Yates: Up in Wood Smoke http://bit.ly/3tT4vx

posted by David Roel  # 10:55 AM
"Illusions of knowledge", not ignorance, have historically proven to be the principal obstacles to discovery. - .. http://bit.ly/SIKUI

posted by David Roel  # 9:58 AM

September 14, 2009

the first 10-15 minutes http://bit.ly/BtUz8

posted by David Roel  # 10:26 AM
Alive or Dead? http://bit.ly/2ie5Ur

posted by David Roel  # 10:25 AM
We don't have to let go, we simply have to not hold on. - Joseph Goldstein http://bit.ly/3JNV8e

posted by David Roel  # 8:57 AM

September 13, 2009

What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts and experiences ot.. http://bit.ly/4ooCbN

posted by David Roel  # 10:59 AM
Friedrich Nietzsche http://bit.ly/Wn2FF

posted by David Roel  # 1:58 AM

September 12, 2009

EPISODE101 - Integral Life http://bit.ly/3pcJj3

posted by David Roel  # 8:23 PM
Children's Doom http://bit.ly/74GkJ

posted by David Roel  # 1:25 PM
Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go. - Sylvia Robinson http://bit.ly/iZQw7

posted by David Roel  # 10:27 AM

September 11, 2009

Thought for Fri, 11 Sep 2009 http://bit.ly/64Q7s

posted by David Roel  # 10:56 AM
Sylvia Robinson http://bit.ly/vDini

posted by David Roel  # 10:27 AM
EPISODE98 - Integral Life http://bit.ly/1TiaXb

posted by David Roel  # 10:26 AM
EPISODE99 - Integral Life http://bit.ly/mfmbD

posted by David Roel  # 10:26 AM
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - J. Cam.. http://bit.ly/dgpq0

posted by David Roel  # 9:55 AM

September 10, 2009

It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow. - Ralph Ellison http://bit.ly/9wnM

posted by David Roel  # 9:31 AM

September 09, 2009

Thought for Wed, 09 Sep 2009 http://bit.ly/14nxTp

posted by David Roel  # 4:53 PM
The core of a cluster of related ideas may not be found in any individual element of the cluster. http://bit.ly/sE30T

posted by David Roel  # 10:22 AM
International Wellbeing Study - Wellbeing Study http://bit.ly/RuS6T

posted by David Roel  # 2:54 AM

September 07, 2009

fit for OUR lives http://bit.ly/J9vtq

posted by David Roel  # 1:55 AM
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become. - Buddha http://bit.ly/3H6DB5

posted by David Roel  # 12:26 AM

September 06, 2009

Renunciation is not getting rid of the things of this world, but accepting that they pass away. - Aitken Roshi http://bit.ly/hEBgG

posted by David Roel  # 4:54 AM
Thought for Sun, 06 Sep 2009 http://bit.ly/2bXlPq

posted by David Roel  # 2:24 AM

September 05, 2009

I think you all are enlightened until you open your mouth. - Suzuki Roshi http://bit.ly/8GGc8

posted by David Roel  # 8:56 AM

September 04, 2009

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - HH Dalai Lama http://bit.ly/S6vKW

posted by David Roel  # 12:26 PM
Shelfari: Neil Gaiman's Bookshelves http://bit.ly/6PBk0

posted by David Roel  # 11:01 AM
Is It Possible To Pass Rational Sex Offender Laws When Horri http://bit.ly/SPjnP

posted by David Roel  # 11:01 AM
Neil Gaiman's Bookshelf Details [images] http://bit.ly/BTHYi

posted by David Roel  # 9:26 AM

September 03, 2009

All know the way; few actually walk it. - Bodhidharma http://bit.ly/3FALye

posted by David Roel  # 3:56 PM

September 02, 2009

If our goals are too low, we get bored. But if they are too high, we get frustrated. - Richard Layard http://bit.ly/UR7Pe

posted by David Roel  # 7:56 PM
The More Things Change: Bush's Third Term? You're Living It. http://bit.ly/tCAC6

posted by David Roel  # 10:26 AM

September 01, 2009

There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. - Robert Louis Stevenson http://bit.ly/dCp6e

posted by David Roel  # 11:04 PM
If I accept you as you are I make you worse; if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming I.. http://bit.ly/25LAnD

posted by David Roel  # 3:22 AM


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